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Seed Cycling for Hormonal Balance

Do this seed cycling for 4-6 months or more to increase your Hormonal Balance

Seed Cycling for Hormone Balance

Using the oils and properties of seeds to regulate your hormones in a safe, easy, delicious way.

Day 1 of your cycle is the first day of your period. (If you're not having regular periods, use the New Moon as Day 1.) Ovulation typically occurs around day 14.

During the first 14 days - the follicular phase of your cycle - day 1-14, include 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin and flax seed in your daily routine.

During the next 14 days -the luteal phase - day 15-28, include 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower and sesame seeds.

Each day grind your seeds fresh, you can use a food processor or mortar and pestal and add to salads, oatmeal, smoothies, nut butter, cook them in warm milk or almond milk at night, etc...

Continue altering every two weeks for 4-6 months. And make an appointment to come see Dr. Anne today - she loves treating hormonal issues.

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